środa, 25 grudnia 2013

Prezent świąteczny od Alicii w The Vault! (23.12.)

Alicia sprawiła muzyczny świąteczny prezent dla swych fanów zamieszczając w The Vault
profesjonalne nagranie z tegorocznego Black Ball, podczas którego zaśpiewała z Kathleen
Battle mix Ave Maria & Not Even The King:

wtorek, 24 grudnia 2013

Życzenia świąteczne od Alicii!

Będąc jeszcze w Australii Alicia nagrała video, w którym opowiada o tym, dlaczego
uwielbia czas świąteczny. Nie zapomniała również przekazać wszystkim swych
osobistych życzeń na ten nadchodzący czas:

niedziela, 22 grudnia 2013

Podsumowanie ery Girl On Fire w liście od Alicii (22.12.)

Przed swym powrotem do Nowego Jorku Alicia
postanowiła napisać parę słów jako podsumowanie
jej ostatniego etapu muzycznego, jakim jest album Girl
On Fire oraz trasa koncertowa Set The World On Fire.
Na swojej stronie zamieściła taki oto list:

The end and the beginning

I can’t believe it’s over.
The whole tour, the whole year, my whole life for the past 
18 months…

And now I’m here on a plane headed back home with 
memories of every city, every country, every face, 
every moment, every chill we gave to each other, every 
piece of anticipation, nervous energy, choice, every 
“job well done,” job could’ve been done better, joy, 
satisfaction, fulfillment, eagerness, comfort, confidence 
and vulnerability. It’s all here, all wound up into one long
 incredible experience that I’ve learned from.
Each place has a memory: The Barclay Center in 
Brooklyn; I swore the whole roof was going to explode. London, the energy was so genuine 
I literally have a family 40,000 strong at least there. South America, I’ll just mention the 
whole trip feeling like a love song with the people. I’d stop and talk to everyone I could. 
Some of the most beautiful people (inside & out ) I’ve ever met. Manila, was emotional, 
with a true feeling of connection after visiting some of the evacuees from the hurricane and 
inviting hundreds of people and volunteers to spread love with me. To Perth, Melbourne, 
Sydney and every other city we touched in Australia… yooooooooo, I can still feel it. So truthful. 
So genuine. Thank u for waiting for me! And my last stop New Zealand, with this amazing light,
 spiritual energy. Totally incredible!!! And that’s just naming a few!

Thank u to every place we touched. (I could name each city for its own reason) For showing me,
 reminding me and sharing with me just how much we have in common and how far we go 
together, everywhere, nothing between us, not even space and time.
In Sydney, this beautiful young woman came up to me. She very simply said your music saved 
my life. Her eyes welled up and her voice started to shake but she didn’t cry. She was so strong 
and so vulnerable all at the same time.  I could only imagine the pain she went through… 
but she made it. And however I was a part of that journey with her— gives me such purpose 
and humility. Thank u for sharing with me my beautiful friend!

I realize, that is what the Girl on Fire album was all about; letting go.
Letting go of old things that that don’t serve me anymore. Attitudes, thoughts, perceptions,
 perspectives, negative energy and people and getting closer to who I am NOW!
What I didn’t realize, was how that could be happening for all of us…
But because of that, I’ve had the most successful tour I’ve ever had. On every level! 
And I’ve been surrounded by incredible people that are all on fire! 
Releasing what’s done and getting closer to their truth…

So the end is really the beginning. And I’m ready more then ever to begin again!
I can’t wait to experience what’s next! And you’ll be there with me!
Blessings and love forever and ever and ever and ever and a day!

Love, AK

piątek, 20 grudnia 2013

Nominacja Grammy dla albumu "Girl On Fire" Alicii! (07.12.)

W piątek 7 grudnia 2013 roku przyznano nominacje do Gammy 2014. Alicia zdobyła 1 nominację
dla albumu "Girl On Fire" w kategorii "Best R&B Album".
Uroczysta gala odbędzie się 26 stycznia 2014 roku w Los Angeles.

Pełna lista nominowanych w tej katgorii:
R&B Divas Faith Evans Label: Prolific Music Group/Eone Music
Girl On Fire Alicia Keys Label: RCA Records
Love In The Future John Legend Label: Columbia Records
Better Chrisette Michele Label: Motown Records
Three Kings TGT Label: Atlantic Records

czwartek, 19 grudnia 2013

Wywiad z Alicią dla Marie Claire (12.2013.)

Alicia udzieliła bardzo krótkiego, ale za to ciekawego wywiadu dla najnowszego wydania
magazynu Marie Claire:

20 Questions With Alicia Keys
The singer and philanthropist on her solo travel habit, secrets to a great song, 

and the words she lives by.

1. What should every woman try at least once in her life?
Go on a trip totally by yourself. For me, that was going to the pyramids in Egypt.

2. What brings you the greatest joy?
My family. I lie in bed with my husband [music producer Swizz Beatz] and son, Egypt,
and have little musical moments, which I love.

3. What brings you the greatest satisfaction?
Seeing a project I've been working on for a long time come together, like when I coproduced
The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete.

4. What is the best advice you've been given?
A friend once told me that all I need is three chords and the truth to make a great song.

5. Who do you follow on Twitter?
@barackobama, @oprah, @jimmykimmel, @jimmyfallon, and one of my favorites is writer
Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho).

6. What is on your bookshelf?
I love Alice Walker, Paulo Coelho, and Willa Cather.

7. What charity do you support?
I'm the cofounder of Keep a Child Alive. We provide medicine for families affected by HIV
and AIDS in places like Africa and India.

8. What is on your bucket list?
I really want to experience India.

9. What is on your perennial to-do list?
I want to continue to produce film, television, and theater, and to make the most amazing
music that I've made in my life.

10. What are the last three items on your credit card statement?
Vitamins. I take multivitamins, probiotics, and vitamin D. I also bought a Big Wheel tricycle
for Egypt and paid for his school applications.

11. What item in your closet do you wear the most?
I have this vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle jacket. When I put it on, it has this supercool
feeling to it.

12. Who are your heroes?
My mother, my grandmother, and Maya Angelou.

13. Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party?
Bono, Sheryl Sandberg, Michelle Obama, Tina Fey, and I wouldn't mind Chris Rock.
Definitely my husband, too.

14. What is your greatest indulgence?
I love massages.

15. What is on your nightstand?
We're in the process of redoing our bedroom, so there's only a landline telephone.

16. What quote do you live by?
My mother always said the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

17. What is the best gift you've ever received?
My son. He's 3.

18. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?People don't expect me
to be as funny as I am.

19. What is your beauty secret?
Juicing and Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate—I particularly like Kiehl's because it's about
the community.

20. What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?
I wish I knew how fast time goes by so I could take more pictures and remember the moment.

wtorek, 17 grudnia 2013

Występ Alicii w programie Sunrise (16.12.)

Po godzinie 8 rano lokalnego czasu w poniedziałek w Sydney Alicia wystąpiła gościnnie
w programie australijskim Sunrise. Zaśpiewała 3 utwory: Girl On Fire, Brand New Me,
Empire State of Mind p2.

piątek, 13 grudnia 2013

Koncert Alicii w Manili, na Filipinach (25.11.) - videorelacja

Podczas swego koncertu na Filipinach Alicia zaprosiła na scenę 2 filipińskich muzyków:
Reginę Velazquez oraz apl.de.ap, z którymi wykonała odpowiednio "If Ain't Got You" oraz
"No  One/Where is the love?" (filmik poniżej).

środa, 11 grudnia 2013

czwartek, 5 grudnia 2013

Alicia udostępnia niewydane utwory w projekcie "The Vault! (03.12.)

W trakcie przygotowań do ARIA Awards Alicia nagrała krótkie video, w którym
szerzej opowiada o swym nowym projekcie The Vault. Poniżej prezentujemy ten
filmik oraz audio 4 utworów udostępnionych na omawianej stronie:

1) "Die Without You" 2007 (cover PM Dawn)

2) "Golden Child" 2003

3) "Send Me An Angel" 2003 (full version)

4) "Say Nothing" Ruff 2003

środa, 4 grudnia 2013

Alicia podczas ARIA Awards 2013 (01.12.) videorelacja

Alicia podczas australijskiej gali ARIA Awards zaprezentowała się dwa razy tamtejszej
publiczności. Wpierw wykonała akustyczną wersję swoich dwóch singli z ostatniej płyty:
Girl On Fire & Brand New Me. Następnie wręczyła nagrodę Jassice Mayboy w kategorii
Best Female Artist. Dla Australijki był to ogromny zaszczyt, więc postanowiła zaśpiewać
fragment utworu Alicii. Poniżej 3 videa z tego wydarzenia:

poniedziałek, 2 grudnia 2013

The Vault - pierwsza odsłona (29.11.)

Dzisiaj prezentujemy poszczególne, już udostępnione skarby
The Vault. Po zalogowaniu każdy przenoszony jest do centrum
projektu, gdzie może wybrać typ postu, który chce zobaczyć.
Do wyboru jest:
1) Konkurs Say Something (video+Say Nothing audio)
2) 2 okładki magazynów Hitkrant 2001, Trace 2006
3) 2 videa: Talent's Contest 1990, ASCAP 1996
4) 3 audio: Golden Child, Die Without You, Send Me An Angel Full version
5) 2 blog's post: Welcome to the Vault, What other people will think