czwartek, 31 października 2013

Zapowiedź duetu Alicii i Giorgii "I will pray"!

Można już usłyszeć fragment utworu włoskiej piosenkarki Giorgii z Alicią Keys.
Utwór "I will pray" znajdzie się na nowej płycie włoszki, której premiera będzie miała
miejsce już 5 listopada 2013.

środa, 30 października 2013

Premiera nowej piosenki "Queen of the field"!

28 października udostępniono utwory z soundtracku "12 Years A Slave", na którym
to znalazł się nowy utwór Alicii Keys "Queen of the field".

wtorek, 29 października 2013

Fotorelacja Alicii z planu filmu "The Mister & Pete"

Na oficjalnej swej stronie Alicia zamieściła galerię zdjęć z planu filmowego 
"The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete".

niedziela, 27 października 2013

Nominacje AMA 2013 i prenominacje People's Choice Awards 2014!

Alicia zdobyła kolejne szanse na zdobycie nagród muzycznych:

American Music Awards 2013 (gala 24.11.2013.):
Alicia Keys

People's Choice Awards 2014 (prenominacje):
Alicia Keys
Janelle Monáe
John Legend
Justin Timberlake
Kelly Rowland
Robin Thicke
Tamar Braxton
The Weeknd

Można również podawać swoje propozycje w kategoriach, które przy dużej popularności 
mogą stać się nominacjami.
Można więc Alicię zgłosić w następujących kategoriach:

sobota, 26 października 2013

Wywiad z Alicią dla CBS TV (emisja 10.10.)

Przy okazji promocji ostatniego filmu Alicia udzieliła wywiadu dla stacji CBS, w którym
to opowiadała o swym rodzinnym życiu, zaangażowaniu w film oraz o swych
przemyśleniach dotyczących przebiegu jej kariery.

sobota, 12 października 2013

Nowy post Alicii dla Huffington Post (11.10.2013.)

Wczoraj Alicia udostępniła swój nowy wpis dla Huffington Post. Post w całości poświęcony 
jest w całości nowemu filmowi "The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete", którego artystka 
jest producentem muzycznym.

"You Can't Do It Alone"
Five years ago, director George Tillman Jr. introduced me to an incredible script written by 
Michael Starrbury called The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete. Michael initially wanted 
to write about how and why the very poor have difficulty rising out of their circumstances.
As someone who grew up in the projects, Michael approached the subject from the point of 
view of two boys (ages 12 and 10) -- Mister and Pete. The boys' desire for a better life was 
in direct conflict with institutionalized poverty and the debilitating mindset that comes from 
such a place. It was an honest and authentic portrayal of life in the projects -- the kind of story 
we don't often see on the screen, and the kind of story we as a people too often shy away from 
in life. It also captured a different part of New York than we're used to seeing -- the part where 
dreams are more often crushed than realized.

I read it in one sitting. It hit me right in my stomach and knocked the wind out of me. 
The voices were powerful, the characters were real, and I identified with it immediately -- 
remembering what it was like to be a young girl walking the streets of the city with aspirations 
greater than myself. For a movie with "defeat" in its title, it's ultimately a film about the strength 
and perseverance of the human spirit. The kids candidly act and relate to things as most 
pre-teen boys would if they were struggling to survive. We see redemption through friendship. 
We see humor and even more heart.
It's why I was so drawn to this project and was proud to join as an executive producer and 
composer. George Tillman Jr. brought this story to life in such a raw and beautiful way, 
surrounding the boys with remarkable actors including Jennifer Hudson, Jordin Sparks, 
Anthony Mackie, Jeffrey Wright, and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. The cast helps illuminate 
life in the projects from nearly every point of view: the gangs, the cops, the teachers, single 
mothers, neighbors and more. It explores how and why people become a product of their 
environment. But the film ultimately belongs to the two leads, Skylan Brooks and Ethan Dizon 
(revelations both), who as Mister and Pete, vividly portray the plight of so many children 
who are continuously silenced and overlooked.
Without opportunity and programs that educate, inspire and foster our youth, how will children 
like Mister and Pete ever become who they are meant to be? Do we all have a responsibility 
to help lift our children out of harm? Or are we meant to turn our heads and ignore the truth? 
We are all familiar with the phrase, "it takes a village." These days it seems the village is 
under attack. The crazy decision to shut down the government is causing real pain and 
anxiety to our most vulnerable -- single mothers and children similar to the ones in this 
movie. Some Head Start and early education programs have either closed, or are in 
jeopardy of closing. 
Shelters and rape crisis centers funded by the Violence Against Women Act may have 
to turn away women and children in need. Food banks that rely on government aid may 
soon see their shelves bare. There is a lot of talk about essential and non-essential forms 
of government -- making sure children don't go hungry, and seeing that victims of domestic 
violence are safe, seem pretty essential to me.
At its core, the government shutdown seems to be about whether or not we value a society 
that shares its burdens. This week Time magazine featured an article written by an inspiring 
young woman, Jenny Lu Mallamo, entitled "From Head Start to Harvard." Jenny grew up 
with the benefit of having teachers, programs and parents invested in her upbringing. 
She went on to study at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. 
While certainly not every kid is going to end up attending an Ivy League school, imagine 
a world that truly believed every child had that kind of potential? In the piece Jenny says, 
"We like to tell ourselves that, in this land of equal opportunity, a baby's zip code should 
not determine her life trajectory. But all too often, it does."
This is why I was so drawn to this story -- the courage of Mister and Pete remind us that 
the zip codes we live in shouldn't decide our worth, our character, our dreams, or our destiny. 
Mister and Pete learn a valuable lesson in the film, "you can't do it alone." It is a lesson that 
unfortunately many of our elected officials have yet to grasp. Let's hope they find a way soon.

piątek, 11 października 2013

Oficjalna studyjna wersja "Better Me, Better You" już dostępna!

Dziś udostępniono oficjalną wersję piosenki Alicii "Better Me, Better You" ze
ścieżki dźwiękowej do filmu "THE INEVITABLE DEFEAT OF MISTER & PETE".
Alicia zaśpiewała premierowo ten utwór podczas festiwalu Global Citizen
30 września 2013 roku.
A: W razie problemów można posłuchać HERE 

niedziela, 6 października 2013

Alicia na premierowym pokazie filmu "The Mister & Pete" (02.10.)

Wieczorem w środę, 2 października 2013 roku po całym dniu wywiadów z mediami
nastąpił kulminacyjny punkt programu, czyli premierowy pokaz filmu "The Inevitable Defeat
Of Mister & Pete" w Tribeca Grand Hotel Screening Room w New York City.